PUT THE PHONE DOWN!!! Don't call the locksmith just yet! Watch this video and l will save you at least $100.00
How to repair a door lock. How to fix a sticking door lock. Lets face it, there's nothing more annoying than not being able to insert your key or remove your key from a corroded door lock. The good thing is that it is a really easy fix. All you need is either a container of graphite powder (available from all hardware stores) or a can of silicone spray. It really is personal choice and you have guys out there who swear that graphite powder is the best while others say that silicone spray is the best. Either is a good choice in my book. Just don't use a wet lubricant like WD40 as it will over time attract dust and dirt to the lock which is not what you want.
Ok, so what do you have to do. For this video l'm using graphite powder so go down to the hardware shop and get some. A container of the stuff will cost less than $10.00.
Graphite powder as the name suggests is a powder. Squirt a couple of puffs of the powder into the lock (the slot where the key goes into).
Next, get your key and work it in and out of the hole as well as turning the lock a number of times. What this does is it distributes the powder throughout the lock mechanism.
You will be amazed at how well your key will now work. This job will take you about 1 minute and your wife will love you for it! Not to mention the savings you will have just made by not having to call in the locksmith! Smiles all round l say.
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Cheers, Uncle Knackers
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