How to make a stool from recycled wood. The rustic wooden stool l'm making in this video is dual purposed. Initially it's for a child but it can also be used as a step stool. I made this stool from hardwood fence palings but you could also use pallet wood. It's a very simple stool to build and should only take a couple of hours or so to make.
To finish the stool off l give it a rustic paint job and then seal it with a clear varnish.
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I would love to see your version of my rustic wooden stool!! Please feel free to upload some pics to my DIY For Knuckleheads Facebook Page for all of us to admire :-)
Music supplied by Jason Shaw at
Released under Creative Commons License 3.0.
Music Title: Banjo Short and Jenny's Theme.
Materials for a Rustic Wooden Stool.
Three old hardwood fence palings. You could use pallet wood if you wanted.
Circular Saw.
Hammer or a nail gun if you have one.
Tape measure,
G Clamp.
It should only take a couple of hours to make and a little extra if you decide to paint it.
Skill Level:
Two out of Five.
I hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching. Happy building
Cheers, Uncle Knackers.
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