How to build a Rustic, Outdoor Cooler / Outdoor Esky, Ice Chest Box, out of recycled, or reclaimed wood. This project can be done out of old pallet wood , old fence palings or in fact any old timber you can get your hands on. The whole idea is make a cool looking outdoor cooler out of wood that you would otherwise have thrown out or burnt for firewood, and transform it into a really cool looking piece of outdoor furniture.
I've been wanting to make an outdoor cooler for a while now and l have a stack of hardwood fence palings in the back yard just sitting there, so now is the time.
One of the big avantagaes of using old recycled hardwood timber or wood is that once you finish the job, it isn't going to twist and warp and destroy the look of project. It's had at least ten and more years to season so it isn't going to move any more.
The outdoor cooler box is a fairly easy project for the average DIYer and l would have to rate it 10 out of 10 for coolness!
And don't forget, it would make a great christmas present!
The total cost for the icebox is as follows:
Timber: FREE!!!!!
Four Wheels.... $16.00
Cabin Hinges..... $10.00
Time to Complete Project:
One weekend.
There there you have it. Never throw out old hardwood fence palings ever again!
What a top project!
Thanks for watching, and till next time,
Uncle Knackers.
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