Pallets, Pallets, Pallets. You have to love them! How to build an outdoor play kitchen for the kids using old pallets and recycled / reclaimed wood. I came up with the idea after seeing how my young son loved playing with the one at childcare. Pallet projects and Pallet Ideas are never far from my mind so l couldn't wait to get stuck into building my play kitchen.
Pallets can look a little heavy when you clump a couple together so l made sure this wasn't the case with this pallet project by breaking one of the pallets up.
As with all pallet furniture you have to work with the pallets imperfections. Don't be hung up on making it perfect. If you wanted it perfect then don't use pallet wood.
With the pallet kitchen l wanted it to look like it was from a comic book and l think l achieved that.
Here's the list the equipment you will need:
Two Pallets
Packet of Screws.
Sandpaper (80 Grit and 120 Grit)
Paint or Crayons for the letters and Control Knobs.
Total Cost:
Pallets: FREE
Cake Tin: $1.00
Time Required.
One day.
Go grab some pallets and have some fun. Your kids will love you for it.
Thanks for watching and till next time, CHEERS?
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